Monday, July 9, 2012

The God Particle, Act of Valor and E3 2012

What's up America? Well I suppose this is my first true blue blog post. I would have posted this weekend, but I had relatives visiting from out west, so I didnt really have the time. But anyways onto more interesting things and news type stuffs.

Interesting bit of news on the 4th of July, the fabled "God Particle". The Higgs Boson. This particle is said to complete the standard model of physics and explain why some things have mass and others do not. And explain why things exist. Humans, planets, solar systems, everything. The Large Hadron collider located at CERN in the Swiss Alps produced these results that were analyzed by the teams of scientists there. I personally feel that this could be one of the biggest, if not THE biggest discovery we as a species have ever made. It may finally anwser all the whys and hows that the human race has ever asked. But with it comes a burden. If we truly discover how we came to be, what will become of religion, the driving force of a large portion of our population. Will there be blowback from religious communities? Ill include a link so you guys can check it out for yourself.

Earlier this week as I was surfing through the Webernetz (Internet), on youtube I happened across the coverage of this years E3. Holy.Crap. I stayed up until almost 1:30 in the morning watching all of these videos, I really just couldnt help myself. Its been awhile since I've been this excited about this many releases coming out in one year.

For starters you have Bethesda's Dishonored (right), a first person, futuristic steam-punk assassin game. The gameplay is flawless, the engines awarness of the player and its surroundings at any given time are seemingly streamlined. Interaction with the game it self is almost unlimited through the choices and routes you take.

Then you have Assasins Creed 3. Set during the American Revolutionary war, a twist on a much loved series. Im interested to see how Ubisoft Montreal tweaked the gameplay. The trailers for this sandbox stlye game are phenomenal, even for someone who has never played any of the other AC games, the trailers instantly reel you in and get you excited about this games release.

Medal of Honor Warfighter. Using the legendary and much hailed Frostbite2 engine. To be honest at first hearing mention of another Medal of Honor game, I pretty much dismissed it as....well....just another MOH game. But the gameplay video immediately turned me around. Super realistic gameplay, pretty much the closest thing to actually being downrange without enlisting.

Okay, okay, I know I have to say it. Black Ops 2... There. I said it. But seriously folks, do we really need another Call of Duty game? Do we? Do we really? How much longer can they really beat a dead horse? But I know consumers will eat that shit up, as well as people who say "Oh, well, I have the other COD games, might as well buy this one". But we true gamers know whats up.

Crysis 3, basically the most epic of epics computer graphics wise. The first two games pushed the limits of graphics card capabilities and the third one seems to follow in their footsteps. Definitely a must have.

Seriously I could list every single game coming out this year and next, but there are seriously too many to list. So go to youtube and search E3 2012, you wont be dissapointed.

In movie news The Amazing Spiderman is doing insanely well and has even passed up Transformers in the box office. Marvel strikes again. The date is nearly here for Nolan's final installment of the Batman Trilogy. The Dark Knight rises is estimated to be one biggest box office hits of all time. As a huge comic book fan, wether it be Marvel or DC(preferably Marvel) I love superheros, especially Batman. So I'm excited to see what twists and turns this final movie makes, I've never been dissapointed with Christopher Nolan's work so hopefully the streak continues. Also a movie I recently had the pleasure of seeing was Act of Valor. Amazing movie, will move and change you. Made me extremely greatful for my freedoms, and to those men and women who are and have been in the service.

Well thats all for today America, Im thinking about turning this into a Vlog instead, who knows, we'll see. And remember, The Cake is a Lie......

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